Hello! I am Anahita Esfandiaryfard. Graduated student of bachelor of Computer Software
Engineering from KNTU.
Currently I am working as a Backend,
Python develepr in Sepitaman compnay, this comapany works around big data and data
My research interests are AI, Data Science,Big Data, Deep learning.
like to learn more and now I am looking for a new job to chalange me, thus If you
looking for a python develper please feel free to contact me
2011 - 2015

Khajeh Nasir University of Technology
I educated computer software engineering in KNTU, This university is in the list of top 5
universities in Iran, I finished my bachelor degree with GPA 4/4 in Major courses. My
bachelor final Project was "Solving Sudoku puzzle using evolutionary computing
You can download my course description here
2007 - 2009

I educated in field of physics and mathemathic in NODET highschool in Semnan Iran.NODET is a branch highschool in Iran fot talented students, during educating in highschool I attend astronomy olympiad and I got first place in state ranking, also I did some research about NODET books and the result was winning first prize of Kharazmi youth festival and my research published in NODET magazine, Also I attended a computer programming competition and I got rank #2 in my highschool